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The Art Of Delegation: Why You Must Delegate For Business Growth

The Art Of Delegation | Productivity And Growth For Product-Based Business Owners

As leader of your product-based business, the more productive and sales focused your working day, the faster the pace and the more you get done... and that, longer term = the more successful your business growth journey.

We all know it is simply impossible to do everything yourself, despite our natural tenancies to DIY!  but do we actually listen to our own knowledge? and how do we trust that delegation is the right thing in your specific business... ?

..."Who can possibly do this task as well I can", I hear you cry! 

One of the best tips I can offer you, is learn how to delegate your work. And learn quickly. You are going to have to get over this hurdle if you want to grow a product-based business and brand of your dreams. 

By delegating your work, your business is naturally able to achieve more in the day. So, what is the true art of delegation and how can you make it work for you, in your product-based business?


What Is Delegation?

Delegating is the act of giving someone else a task.

You are assigning and entrusting another person with something, be it a task or an object. When it comes to business terms, delegation involves entrusting an individual or a team with tasks that you need delivered for your business.

This could be delegating someone to set up a weekly newsletter for your business, hiring a copywriter to write a new web page or entrusting someone to manage your email inbox volumes for you.


Why You Will Achieve More If You Delegate

Deep down we all know that it is impossible to achieve absolutely everything you need to get done in a day. I am always trying to cram in as much as possible into my day to achieve maximum productivity. But, I cannot do it all alone. If I was to delegate tasks to someone else, naturally more will be achieved in a day.

And we all have the same 24 hours each day. No more, no less. 

So we have to make the very best of those hours we've been given and get maximum impact from those hours. 

In addition, your time as Founder and CEO is incredibly valueable.  Your $$ per hour rate and the strategic contribution that you can make to growing your company is "gold".  Your hourly rate when you are starting out is at least $100+, probably more as you scale up and definitely so, if you are a strong sales influence on your business and can reel in large customer accounts worth tens of thousands. 

But every time you are choosing to work on $20 per hour jobs, you are not using a vital resource in your business well - YOU! 

It's like putting the CEO of a major supermaket on the check-out till... whilst I'm sure they'd do a super job, is it REALLY the very best use of their time given all their other skills, vision, network and strategic capabilities?  No, of course not. 

If you are Founder and CEO of your business, and you are not delegating, you are doing exactly this! 

Let me ask you - do you already feel like you are at full capacity?  If so, you absolutely need to consider taking the first steps to delegating today - even just one or two tasks to someone else, so that your business can continue to grow.

A great first step many of my clients make as they are scaling is hiring a virtual assistant to take on the admin duties of the business, or delegating tasks to a copywriter or marketing expert.

This will free up some of your time so that you can then focus on expanding and growing your business. You will end up achieving far more if you delegate certain tasks.


Avoiding Perfectionist Syndrome

When you have an idea in your head, it is easy to fixate on it and only allow the best possible outcome of this task. However, having perfectionist syndrome will affect your business negatively. Not everything that is produced needs to be a work of art!  Some things just need doing as quickly as possible, at an acceptable standard, to move you forward.

You need to be able to recognise when good enough is good enough.

I suggest you immediately delegate tasks that you know won’t need your expertise, or your creative abilities.

For example, Admin tasks, newsletters, social media, these are all things that need doing but don’t need to be perfect. No, not everyone will be able to produce something as you had in mind with your quality stamp on it.  Yet, good people will be able to do their best with tasks and these will be more than good enough.

Remember our aim is to free up your time so that you can work on the areas that need your direction and input the most.


How To Delegate Clearly

Now that you are on board with the art of delegation, how do you delegate clearly?

Well, in my experience it's all about setting expectations.

  • Let your staff know exactly what is the expected outcome or deliverable - what are you trying to do or achieve overall.  Is it produce a 500 word newsletter for your audience or have they got to reply to the whole days worth of email enquiries? 
  • Then break it down and get clear on how you want it approached. You can set mini goals and expectations on quality at this point - so that it breaks down the task for your individual or team.
  • Next ask them what they need from you in order to be able to do the job - do they need time for training?  do they need access to a file? Help them ask you the right questions and encourage them to come forward and ask more questions as the task progresses. 
  • Then check on their progress - Although those that you have delegated the tasks to will be capable of completing them, it is worth checking in on them to see if they are stuck, need extra assistance or are on the right tracks. See if they are ok with the deadline BEFORE the deadline happens..., if they will need more time or if they need extra input from you.  It is always far better to get an early warning on this rather than the work being late and completely off target. By checking in every so often, you are putting both yours and their worries at ease.
  • Lastly, say ‘thank you’. A simple thank you goes a long way. It shows your team and individuals that they are appreciated and that you are grateful for the work that they do. This in turns builds a positive working relationship with respect and trust as priority.


Make It Happen In Your Business

The art of delegation is probably one of THE most useful personal productivity tools you can unlock for yourself and your business. If you are serious about growth, you have to get serious about skillfully delegating.  

Next Steps:

  • Begin delegating those all-important tasks. Start small - just delegate one or two simple things that you feel you can gently and gracefully "let go of". 
  • Delegate the task and then actually let them DO the work.  Don't butt in, don't micro manage - there is nothing worse!  Allow the person you have delegated to space to breathe and attempt to deliver the work you've asked them to do.
  • Be supportive not controlling in your delegation style. Remember you are a team and you'll get a whole lot more done if they WANT to help you and enjoy working for you! 
  • Stick with it and as your confidence grows, increase the size and importance of the tasks you are delegating.  You will soon see your business thrive as you become less overwhelmed and stretched and your productivity increases. 
  • If you are struggling to prioritise your business growth workload and need help delegating, talking these challenges through with a business coach can help.  Find out more about our business coaching program, designed for product-based business owners and see if we are a good fit for you. 
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